
How to build a job-ready profile?

It is very essential to understand the right way to build your profile. Ideally it should not take more than few minutes to improve your profile and update it on any of the jobsite. The moment you update your profile, its updated version becomes visible to recruiters on that site. You should know that any changes in your account on such jobsites are rather quick and their impact is immediate and significant. But ensure that making changes just for the sake of it can sometimes have the opposite effect. It has been seen that if you have a professionally built resume from any of the expert resume builder or professional CV writers   then your profile will be on the top of the list and better than 95% of the other profiles on the site. How to create the right profile on a jobsite? The only way to understand the process of creating a right profile on the jobsite is by understanding how would a recruiter search for candidates on the jobsite that is you need to u...

How to use keywords in your resume?

One of the most important elements of any profile is keywords. Research says that am average candidate has only 5-7 keywords in their profile. This clearly is a big error in profile creation that may cost you dearly. Whether you are a fresher or have years of experience, you have to have a lot of keywords in your profile. Ensure that the keywords should be relevant to the area or function in which you are looking for a job.The only purpose of using keywords is to differentiate you from the rest of the crowd. You should have no less than 15 keywords in your entire profile but I recommend that 25 keywords or more is ideal. Use keywords that are at the top of your mind and match your profile.What is more important is to think of a few keywords, and then type the same in your resume as well as jobsite interface. You would surely start seeing results within days Do not forget to update your keyword lists You will be required to have a great set of keywords so as to differenti...

What are some resume guidelines that you should follow?

What are some resume guidelines that you should follow? Candidates in India stuff their resumes with so much data that the resume length at times reaches five to seven pages. The idea of the candidate is often to talk about all skills and appeal to all kinds of readers. This approach is not useful since recruiters hardly have time to go through so much generic information.One of the most common questions while developing a resume is to decide 'How long should a resume be. But remember length should not be a question. Free Resume Templates Quality of content should determine the length of the resume. Remember your resume should not be shorter than one page, even for a fresher.Recruiters would read any length if a resume is interesting and relevant. Ideally a resume should be customized and should contain information specifically for the particular organization or hiring manager to whom it is being addressed. After all if you are interested in working for an organiz...